
Data Analysis and Visualization

Austin Crime Analysis

Theft in Austin

Our goal was to take an in-depth analysis into the crimes occurring in Austin, Texas. In addition to the overall crime spread of our city, we wanted to discover correlations between the Travis County zip codes and the demographics behind the crimes.

Languages and Tools Used:

Yelp API, Google Fusion Tables, Python3, MatPlotLib, Seaborn, Pandas/Jupyter Notebook

Weather vs. Latitude

Latitude vs. Max Temp (F)

In this analysis, I was interested in different analyses of cities and their location near the equator. After generating random latitudes and longitudes for 600 cities, I utilized the Open Weather Map API to get current temperature, cloudiness, humidity, and windspeed. This data was then analyzed to determine correlation, if any, between these observations and the city's location near the equator.

Languages and Tools Used:

Open Weather Map API, Python, Google API, Matplotlib, Citypy

Analysis with VADER and Tweepy

Overall sentiment analysis of news outlets

With the use of the Twitter API and Python script, I pulled 100 of the most recent tweets from BBC, CBS, CNN, Fox, and New York Times. After collecting the text/data, I performed a VADER Sentiment Analysis to determine the compund, positive, neutral, and negative scoring for each tweet.

Languages and Tools Used:

Tweepy, VADER Sentiment Analysis, Python, Matplotlib


Website I made


Paragraph or summary of the website

Another Website


Summary of website

Last Website


Summary of website

About Me

Roscoe Face


I am a data analyst with an extensive background in business and finance. A firm believer in working with like-minded people and providing impeccable communication in all forms to streamline efficiency. Extremely adaptable with a natural knack for problem-solving and uncovering the best feasible solutions to maximize scalable results that align with the clients' needs.

Why Data?

Coupled with an honest enjoyment to learn, the amount of raw information at my fingertips, as well as the desire to utilize and visualize it propelled my transition to data analytics.


I thoroughly enjoy a good book and generally have a multitude of fiber projects waiting to be finished. As much as I like being inside, I also like running, kayaking, and going camping with my family.

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